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Streamline Certificate Issuance: Trusted Certificates for Sub Domains through GlobalSign’s ACME Service

Streamline Certificate Issuance: Trusted Certificates for Sub Domains through GlobalSign’s ACME Service

Digital interactions govern our daily lives, from online communications to data exchange, but as the way that we communicate develops and becomes more efficient, so do vulnerabilities and cyberthreats. Organisations are facing cybersecurity threats across all industries, and with this, the value of trusted digital certificates has never been greater. They serve as a foundation for secure online communications, data encryption and identity verification. 

How ACME has Revolutionised Security

The ACME (Automated Certificate Management Environment) protocol has revolutionised how we manage digital communications, by streamlining the process of certificate management. Further advancements have now enabled organisations to manage certificate issuance for subdomains without the need for repetitive validation. 

Previously, certificate issuance for subdomains was a burdensome and inefficient task, often requiring manual validation for subdomains, without the use of a multi-SAN or wildcard certificate.  This was a productivity nightmare for organisations managing multiple subdomains. ACME has addressed this challenge by streamlining certificate issuance where parent domain validation through ACME establishes trust for all subdomains. 

GlobalSign’s Improved ACME Service 

To better service our customers, GlobalSign has made an enhancement to its ACME service that streamlines the certificate request flow for subdomains. GlobalSign has removed the requirement for domain validation for subdomains so long as the parent domain has already been verified. For example, if you have successfully validated the domain and then later submit a request for a certificate for, the request will process without requiring validation of

Read more about our ACME enhancements in our Support Article. 

Benefits of Trusted Subdomains

 Reducing manual tasks when issuing certificates  is beneficial for allowing organizations to pivot to a more automated PKI solution. 

  • Enhanced Security – Parent domain validation ensures that all subdomains inherit the same level of trust as their parent domain, improving security posture. 
  • Improved Efficiency – This enhanced feature saves time and resources by eliminating repetitive manual tasks, enhancing operational efficiency and reducing administrative burdens for developers. In the case of using an ACME client for certificate issuance, this enhancement minimizes the frequency of domain validation requests, streamlining the certificate request flow.
  • Scalability – The ACME service is known for its scalability adaptability, whether it is used for a handful of networks or large-scale subdomain security. 
  • Centralized Certificate Management – By centralizing the management of certificates for parent and subdomains,  certificate management is simplified and protects organizations from certificate related breaches and outages.  

Find out more about GlobalSign’s ACME service and how we can help you prioritize cybersecurity across your organization. 

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