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SSL Certificates in the Philippines: What You Need to Know

SSL Certificates in the Philippines: What You Need to Know

Fundamentals of SSL

SSL meaning

SSL, which stands for Secure Sockets Layer, is a protocol that creates a safe connection between your device and a server. It encrypts all the information exchanged, such as login details, credit card numbers, or personal data. This way, hackers can't see or tamper with your sensitive data while it travels across the web. SSL ensures that your online interactions remain private, secure, and protected from prying eyes, giving you peace of mind while browsing or shopping online.

What is the SSL certificate

SSL certificates are the digital credentials that enable this secure communication by providing authentication and encryption. They are issued by trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs) like GlobalSign. These certificates contain information about the website owner, the website's domain, its public key, and others.

To identify a site with an SSL certificate, look for the padlock symbol in the browser's address bar.

Philippines’ Most Trusted Certificate Authority

Is SSL certificate free?

SSL certificates come in both free and paid versions, depending on the certificate type and level of security required. There are 3 main types of SSL: 1) Domain Validated (DV), 2) Organization Validated (OV), and 3) Extended Validated (EV).

DV SSL is the most basic type of SSL certificates which is ideal for most websites that do not require its visitors to send any personal information. Examples of these are blog websites. OV SSL, on the other hand, requires a vetting process to verify the details sent by the website owner to ensure its credibility before being issued a certificate. In turn, OV SSL verifies and displays the identity of the organization for visitors to check. Such information is not available for DV SSL. Some organizations opt for OV SSL instead of the standard DV as they find that DV certificates do not provide them with the online credibility that OV SSL provides. As such, many corporations, government agencies, and entities that need extra later of trust and securities go for either an OV or EV SSL. Thirdly, there is the highest level of SSL that requires a rigorous vetting process in return for establishing the highest trust for websites. EV SSL secures transactions and is the most ideal type for websites that require log -in credentials and payment details. This makes it the recommended SSL for most organizations including e-commerce, large scale corporations, and banks.

It is worth noting that there are no free OV and EV SSL as these are the more advanced types of SSL that involve a subsequent vetting process. While some DV certificates do come for free, they may not be enough for certain websites.

HTTPS meaning

HTTP vs HTTPS difference

HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)

HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is a secure version of HTTP, which is the protocol used for transmitting data between your web browser (like Chrome, Firefox, or Safari) and a website's server. The key difference is that HTTPS encrypts the data exchanged, making it secure against potential eavesdroppers. In contrast, HTTP sends data in plain text, making it vulnerable to interception and unauthorized access.

Once you purchase an SSL certificate, your website will use HTTPS. Today, all websites are required to use HTTPS.

Get HTTPS for your website

Changes in the SSL space

SSL validity

The current maximum validity period of an SSL/TLS certificate is about 13 months (397 days), as set out in the CA/B Forum's Baseline Requirements. However, recent discussions are being planned to reduce the validity to only 90 days, according to a Google announcement last March 2023. The effective date is still pending. However, once implemented, websites are required to ensure their websites are renewed every 90 days.

Automation meaning


Luckily, despite the 90-day validity announcement, website owners can opt for an automated SSL certificate management for certificate renewals to avoid websites from expiring and website downtimes. These automated certificate management platforms will enable seamless automation for all SSL certificates within a website. Installations and renewals will no longer be a problem at all, and the reduction of certificate validity will not even be an issue and will not require additional manpower to implement.

Automate your SSL certificate installation and renewals

Best SSL practices in the Philippines

SSL best practice

SSL certificate management

SSL certificate management is crucial for maintaining a secure and efficient online presence. Here are some best practices to ensure effective SSL certificate management:

  1. Regularly track SSL certificates for renewal.
  2. Keep an inventory of all SSL certificates in use, including their location and expiration dates.
  3. Ensure all SSL certificates are issued by a reputable CA.
  4. Implement monitoring tools to track certificate status, identify vulnerabilities, and receive alerts about potential issues. Here’s a free tool for checking your website’s strengths and weaknesses.

A reliable certificate management platform checks all the best practices mentioned above without putting a strain on your IT team.

Encryption standards

Encryption standards are essential for online security and protecting sensitive data:

  1. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES): Widely used for symmetric encryption and offers varying key lengths (128, 192, or 256 bits).
  2. RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman): An asymmetric encryption method that utilizes a pair of keys (public and private) for encryption and decryption.
  3. ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography): Gaining popularity due to strong security with smaller key sizes.

Keeping up to date with robust encryption standards is crucial for individuals, businesses, and organizations to prevent data breaches and build trust in the digital landscape.

GlobalSign Philippines summary

Leading SSL Provider with a Strong Local Presence

GlobalSign Philippines

When it comes to SSL certificate providers in the Philippines, GlobalSign stands out as the best choice. Aside from being the only Certificate and Identity Authority with a strong English and Tagalog-speaking support team based in the Philippines, our SSL certificates come with top-notch encryption, ensuring the highest level of security for online transactions and data protection. Many organizations in the Philippines continuously experience seamless integration and excellent customer support.

With a strong commitment to security, a proven track record, and a vast network of customers worldwide, GlobalSign is undoubtedly the best SSL certificate provider in the Philippines. Choosing GlobalSign for your SSL certificate needs will not only boost your website's trustworthiness but also protect your valuable data and foster a secure online environment for your customers.

Boost your website’s trustworthiness

Use cases

Website transactions

Enterprise use cases

Here are five SSL use cases for website transactions in enterprises:

  1. User account protection
  2. Securing customer information and e-commerce payments
  3. Online banking and financial services
  4. Secure file transfers
  5. Client portals and intranets

Personal use cases

SSL certificates are not only essential for enterprises but also beneficial for personal use. Here are some personal use cases for SSL certificates:

  1. Personal Websites or Blogs
  2. Online Portfolios
  3. Secure File Sharing
  4. Online Shopping
  5. Social Media and Personal Accounts

Implementing SSL certificates in personal use cases helps establish trust, protect data, and ensure a safer online experience for you and those you interact with on the internet.

How GlobalSign can help

GlobalSign SSL


We at GlobalSign aim to help organizations and individuals like you protect your websites through our SSL certificates by providing top-tier encryption and authentication. With GlobalSign SSL certificates, sensitive data exchanged between the website and visitors remains secure, safeguarding against potential data breaches and unauthorized access. The certificates are easy to manage and widely compatible, ensuring a smooth user experience.

Our reputation as a trusted Certificate Authority instills confidence in website visitors, helping organizations build trust and credibility while maintaining a safe online environment.

Interested? Email us at today!

Elevate your website’s security with SSL certificates

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