Secure, Zero-Touch IoT Device Provisioning to the Cloud

A Proven Chip-to-Cloud Integration that Empowers IoT Solution Builders and Systems Integrators

IoT domain Experts Infineon, GlobalSign, Eurotech and Microsoft Azure Combine Capabilities to Remove Barriers to IoT Security


Until now, IoT solution builders eager to launch secure IoT devices experienced technology and integration roadblocks that prevented their success. The result was that IoT devices were launched without being secure, putting both device operators and end users at risk.

Infineon, GlobalSign, Eurotech, and Microsoft Azure have collaborated to remove these barriers to IoT security. We created what no other group has yet delivered – a secure, zero-touch IoT device provisioning to the cloud solution that operates at scale and reduces the risk of supply chain compromise.

IoT Device Identity Lifecycle

Through proven integrations along the IoT device chain of trust, adoption of the 802.1AR specification, and the unambiguous domain expertise of each company, we’ve made it possible for IoT security to be implemented from the very beginning of a device’s lifecycle. From the TPM chip that is manufactured into the device to the PKI-based identity at enrollment, provisioning to the cloud and operation in the field, we secure IoT devices from chip-to-cloud.

A simple 3-step process helps IoT solution builders by vastly reducing complexity.

  • 1. Create a PKI account and receive an ICA certificate
  • 2. Register the ICA to the cloud
  • 3. Provide custom device configuration and receive a custom ordering code

IoT Provisioning Solution Preview

The collaboration is a proven, interoperable solution that helps IoT operators and systems integrators accelerate time to market, eliminate integration challenges, reduce the need for multi-domain expertise in their development teams, and reduce operational expense to secure IoT devices at scale.

Download the whitepaper and watch the webinar to learn more.

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