GlobalSign Blog

A evolução da automação do gerenciamento de certificados

A evolução da automação do gerenciamento de certificados

In today's interconnected digital world, security is paramount. As businesses and individuals rely more than ever on digital systems and data, the need for robust security solutions has never been greater. It is within this context that we are thrilled to introduce our newly rebranded platform, Certificate Automation Manager, a solution to the challenges of business security and certificate management.

Formerly known as GlobalSign’s Auto Enrollment Gateway (AEG), our commitment to evolving and expanding our solutions to provide users with high-quality solutions that meet growing business needs has been the driving force behind the move to rebrand and enhance our certificate management platform. While our previous name served us well, we recognize that our solution had outgrown its original purpose, and it was time to reflect the breadth and depth of its capabilities with a new identity.

GlobalSign’s Certificate Automation Manager has been designed to align with current industry trends and evolving customer demands. We understand that the security landscape is constantly changing, and our platform is a crucial piece in the puzzle for adapting to these changes. As our company continues to grow and innovate, Certificate Automation Manager will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of digital security.

From this vision, the latest implementation of our solution:

  • Offers customers the ability to significantly improve their resource and cost efficiency with regards to managing policies and supporting a CA infrastructure
  • Allows certificate requests to be completed on a global scale across multiple domains
  • Ensures that the right certificates are aligned to the right endpoint
  • Provides the option for scheduled reports and logs

We believe that this will allow our customers to adapt and innovate at their own pace, by rolling out additional functionality and certificates without the need to implement additional management tools.

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The Evolution of Certificate Management

Over the years, Certificate Automation Manager has helped many of our customers take control of their Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) management, allowing them to improve their own efficiency and security, whilst also mitigating security risks. As with all products and technology, evolution is a key aspect of maintaining its relevance and functionality, and Certificate Automation Management is no different. We have continued to improve its functionality by adding new features and now has come the time to mark this latest iteration with a new name.

There are several reasons for this rebranding, and it starts with what the service does in terms of providing outcomes to our current and potential customers.

Expanding Functionality Beyond Enrollment

Our platform no longer just handles enrollment, it offers a comprehensive suite of certificate management and automation tools. It's more than a gateway; it's a complete solution.

Supporting all Customer Requirements for a Broader Audience

We understand that every enterprise is different and as a result, our new solution is designed to be completely flexible and can be customized to match your organization’s needs. With any good solution, we have a team of specialist engineers that can match the implementation of Certificate Automation Manager with your needs – and evolve it as your organization evolves.

Evolving to Better Meet Customer Needs

As customer needs continue to evolve, so must our platform. This rebranding reflects our commitment to being at the forefront of innovative security solutions.

  • Create policies and scripts to fully automate certificate provisioning, deployment and management allowing IT teams to spend more of their efforts and resources on other projects
  • Default templates for creating commonly used certificate templates for use with the Cross-Platform Agent (XPA), Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME), and Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) which improves onboarding and request processing time. In addition, validation policy reconciliation is in place to check for any conflicts with associated policies
  • The ability to archive keys and recover them when needed, mitigates the risk of data loss
  • Multi-domain configuration allows administrators to connect Certificate Automation Manager to multiple Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) services for authentication, request subject information values, and policy/permissions management. This will allow multiple forests and domains to be served by the service regardless of whether it sits in their domain or forest or has trust in place
  • Additional support has been created for customers using Microsoft Azure Active Directory,  with additional directory support becoming increasingly available as the solution develops
  • Enable the ability for users to bring their own devices for use in the workplace and allow for the roaming of certificates to these authorized devices to further reduce the cost of duplicate certificates to extend users access to their mobile devices
  • The management of certificates is nothing without auditable logs and scheduled reports can be created to use for compliance purposes, and to ensure that the right certificates are in place for the right users
  • Configure multiple email addresses to receive notifications in the event of service disruptions, upcoming service certificate expirations, as well as domain validation expirations
  • Additional improvements have been made to the backend design of the solution to further improve performance, scalability, and flexibility so that the service performs as you need it, when you need it

As a tool, Certificate Automation Manager marks a significant leap forward in the realm of cybersecurity and certificate management. With its rebranding, expanded functionality, and unwavering commitment to security excellence, we are excited about the future. This is just the beginning of a new era of seamless security, and we look forward to helping you secure your digital world with confidence and ease.

For more information you can read our datasheet, or to discuss your requirements regarding Certificate Automation Manager please either contact your account manager or contact us.

Start saving time with Certificate Automation Manager

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