Are You Ready for 90 Day SSL/TLS Certificates ACME Solution?
The Time to Automate is Now!

SSL/TLS certificate validity and domain reuse periods are likely to be drastically reduced so the need for automation is now. GlobalSign’s ACME Certificate Automation gives you peace of mind to automate certificate issuance.

Earlier this year, Google announced its plans to decrease the validity period of SSL/TLS certificates from its current 398 days (13 months) to 90 days. This will mean even more certificates for your IT team to manage.

We might not know the effective date or many details around Google’s proposal right now but let’s be honest, the days of manually generating Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs) and installing certificates is coming to an end.

Next Steps > Let’s chat about your certificate automation requirements

ACME – The SSL/TLS Certificate Automation Solution

Stop managing certificates manually, streamline and simplify it all with ACME. GlobalSign’s ACME solution is a powerful option for any organization – no matter how big or small – to improve efficiency and security by utilizing automation.

But what is ACME? ACME is the acronym for the protocol Automated Certificate Management Environment and is designed to automate certificate lifecycle management for SSL/TLS. ACME works directly with GlobalSign to issue, revoke and replace certificates.

  • Easily issue new SSL/TLS certificates to any connected end-point
  • Save time and resources by eliminating tedious certificate management tasks
  • Manage the growing demand of digital certificates and improve scalability within your organization

Why is Now the Time to Automate?

Certificate lifespans are only going to get shorter! In the last five years, maximum validity has dropped from three years to one and with the upcoming changes to 90 days, manually generating CSRs is no longer a sustainable option.

Expired SSL/TLS certificates can wreak havoc on organizations and cause a costly, high security risk headache for your team. That’s why you need to use a certificate inventory tool, such as GlobalSign’s Atlas Discovery to gain a comprehensive overview of your organization’s certificates and combine it ACME – the solution to preventing outages and downtime with certificate automation.

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